None of these individuals have been approved to give advice in self therapy. Be especially cautious before meeting any of these individuals personally. I assume no responsibility in making these e-mail addresses available. Please notify me if your address has changed. Thanks. -- John A. Speyrer - Webmaster
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Question: What is the honeymoon period in Primal Therapy?
Answer: That's when your symptoms are leaving and you're making such progress that you believe you will be completely cured by Christmas and why not since you've been feeling your feelings for six months now and feeling better and better but then your birth primals begin and you're not so sure anymore.
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Question: Do you know what primal material you will be accessing right before before a primal connects?
Answer: For me, the answer is a definitely unambigious, sometimes yes, and sometimes no
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We know that saying the primal feeling out loud intensifies the primal, but do you say what's on your mind out loud before the primal connects? Is is obvious, but oftentimes I don't do it. If you do, it will invariably aid connection.
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Question: What was your first psychosomatic symptom which left after you began primaling?
Answer: A continuous stopped-up nose. After a month or two of primaling that symptom left me permanently. One year before primaling, I used over 50 bottles of nose drops! I am serious. In his article, Symptom Formation In Neurosis (Journal of Primal Therapy, Winter, 1976, p. 12), Dr. E. Michael Holden writes: "Chronic congestion of the nose and sinuses is a common neurotic disorder and one which typically ceases, in a gratifying way, early in Primal Therapy."
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Question: How long had you been primaling before you noticed a definite improvement in your major symptom?
Answer: It was five months before my chronic stomach pains began to really diminish in intensity. I felt, "Wow, this stuff really works!."