Index of Articles
Infant and Child Trauma Issues
The Primal Psychotherapy Page
Articles & Book Reviews
- The Rape of Innocence: Female Genital Mutilation and Circumcision in the USA- by Patricia Robinett - Book Review by John A. Speyrer
- The Price We Pay for Shaming Little Boys - by Mary K. Armstrong, M.S.W.
- The Impact of Neonatal Circumcision: Implications for Doctors of Men's Experiences in Regressive Therapy by Robert Clover Johnson. (Book chapter)
- The Natural Child by Jan Hunt - by Book Review by John A. Speyrer
- The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog and Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist's Notebook
- by Bruce D. Perry, M.D. and Maia Szalavitz Review by L. M. Akhtar
- Video Review - Kangaroo Mother Care, Restoring the Original Paradigm For Infant Care and Breastfeeding. Nils Bergman, M.D. VHS tape Review by John A. Speyrer and Pat Torngren
- Treatment of Birth Trauma In Infants & Children: Collected Works of William Emerson, Ph.D., Vol 1 - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- Collected Works, Vol. 2, Pre- and Peri-Natal Regression Therapy - William R. Emerson, Ph.D - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do - Parents Matter Less Than You Think and Peers Matter More, by Judith Rich Harris - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- The Aware Baby: A New Approach To Parenting, by Aletha J. Solter, Ph.D.
- Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- Tears and Tantrums - by Aletha J. Solter, Ph.D. - Review by John A. Speyrer
- Helping Young Children Flourish - by Aletha J. Solter, Ph.D. - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- The Price We Pay for Shaming Little Boys - by Mary K. Armstrong - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- The Adoptive Parent: A Therapist Counsels Adoptive Parients by Marcy Axness
- Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- The Transcendent Child: Tales of Triumph Over the Past by Lillian Rubin
- Review by John A. Speyrer
- The Primal Wound: Understanding the Adoptive Child - by Nancy Verrier - Review by John A. Speyrer
- Holding Time, - by Martha G. Welch, M.D. - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- Home By Choice: Facing the Effects of Mother's Absence by Brenda Hunter, Ph.D. - Review by John A. Speyrer
- For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child Rearing and the Roots of Violence - by Alice Miller, Ph.D. - Review by John A. Speyrer
- The Denial of History: Clinical Implications of Denying Child Abuse by Dr. Ben Sorotzkin - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- Possible Adverse Psychological Effects of an Adoptee on Birth Family Siblings
- by John A. Speyrer
- The Evolution of Childhood, Personality Structure and Superego in Germany (1200-1700) - by Ralph Frenken, Ph.D.
- Broken Child by Marcia Cameron - Reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- Child Abuse, Shame, Rage and Violence by Mary Katherine Armstrong, M.S.W.
- The Child Who Could Not Walk:
Facilitating Primal Healing in Children by Pat Törngren
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