- The Janov Solution: Lifting Depression Through Primal Therapy
- Arthur Janov, Ph.D. - Book Review by John A. Speyrer
- Breakingdown, Breakingthrough, by Margaret Coyne -
Selected Chapters (Holotropic Breathwork)
- A Yahoo Primal Support Group Discussion On Depression
by Marlene, Anon. & John Speyrer -
- Sleep, Cancer, Depression and Birth - Reflections Section -
by John A. Speyrer
- The Biology of Emotions: Self-Help for Anxiety and Depression -
by E. Van Winkle
- Listening to Prozac, Peter D. Kramer, M.D. -
Book Review by John A. Speyrer
- Talking Back To Prozac, by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. -
Book reviewed by John A. Speyrer
- On The Fear of Death: Dying in the Birth Canal by John A. Speyrer
- Divinely Inspired: The Spritual Awakening of a Soul, by Jerry J. Pollock, Ph.D. - Book review by John A. Speyrer
- Migraine Headaches and Adolescent Suicidal Risk , by John A. Speyrer
- Darkness Visible - A Memoir of Madness , by William Styron - Book Review by John A. Speyrer
- The Trauma of Being Awake During Surgery by John A. Speyrer
- Another Piece of My Birth Puzzle: My Mother As God, God As My Mother by John A. Speyrer
- Four Therapy Experiences During the 1999 International Primal Association Convention by John A. Speyrer
- Cuddling and Holding As Stress Reducers and As Possible Increasers by John A. Speyrer
- Hurricanes, Suicides, Wars, and Birth Trauma by John A. Speyrer
- Claustrophobia and The Fear of Death and Dying by John A. Speyrer
- Perinatal Agonies by John A. Speyrer
- The Pre- and Peri-Natal Environment and Depression in Mothers and Neonates by John A. Speyrer
- Intimations of Birth: Traveling and Elevator Rides as Primal Triggers
by John A. Speyrer
- Road Rage, Impatience and Ascending Birth Feelings by John A. Speyrer
- Virginia Tech Terror, The Terror of Birth and the Origins of Violence
by John A. Speyrer
- Panic Attacks - Symptoms & Dangers - Their Origins in Early Traumas by John A. Speyrer