The Skeptical Inquirer is a magazine which reports critical investigations
and debunkings of paranormal and pseudoscientific events and subjects.
In the past I have always found myself in their cheering section,
shouting hurray as they led the charge against beliefs in Astrology,
Para-psychology, Channeling, Haunted Houses, Crystal Power, UFOology,
ESP, Alien Encounters, Fortune Telling, Tarot Cards, Creationism,
Dowsing, Palmistry, Biorhythms, etc. You get the idea. And hey, maybe
even some of your beliefs are listed above!
Anyhow, everything was going along well until the day I received
an issue in which the cover featured a lead article by a Dr. Barry
Beyerstein, a Canadian Psychologist, entitled The Brain and Consciousness.
The article was critical of the theories of (you guessed it!) Arthur
Janov. Writings of Thomas Verny, Stanislav Grof and others were also
criticized in that article. The attacks were the usual ones. The immature
fetal brain could not store such early memories, patients in primal
felt what they were expected to feel, etc.
In the Fall of 1988 issue, a rebuttal letter by Dr. Janov was printed
in which he claimed that Beyerstein was not knowledgeable of the latest
research in the field of consciousness, that he (Janov) did not agree
with Verny's writings and that primal therapy was the most heavily
researched of all therapies and criticized the Skeptical Inquirer
for printing such an article without checking on the latest research
in that field.
In response, Dr. Beyerstein retorted that primal therapy was not
believed by the majority of researchers in the fields of psychotherapy,
psychobiology and cognitive psychology. He said that Arthur Janov
was actually more harsh in attacking those who made claims similar
to his own than he was. He said that Janov appropriated findings in
neuroscience which agreed with primal theory but glosses over research
which conflicts with his theories. EEG measurements, he wrote, are
irrelevant and furthermore that increased endorphin levels at birth
actually would mean that the new-born would not suffer birth trauma.
Peri-natal memories are confabulated, Dr. Beyerstein assured the readers.
Sure, patients feel better after ``primal screaming'' but he argued
that that does not prove primal theory is valid, since placebos can
be effective in helping someone feel better. Beyerstein said he asked
a colleague to direct him to the leading psychotherapist's handbooks
and he found that only one of the five books had a reference to primal
therapy and that book described primal as being highly skeptical and
After that assault on primal therapy, I could not let matters rest.
Dr. Beyerstein had committed the sin of all those who attack the therapy.
He disparaged primal therapy because he did not understand it. To
describe primal therapy so it can be understood requires the use of
words which already have established meanings. For example, in a primal
context, words such as ``pain'' and ``feeling'' mean something different
than in normal usage. And didn't one of Janov's books have the title
Primal Man: The New Consciousness? You can't use the word consciousness
in its old meaning if you're discussing primals. Primalling is accessing
a new form of consciousness. Using old words in a new sense results
in a lot of misunderstandings. I really believe that it is an impossible
task to understand a primal unless one has experienced one.
Nonetheless, in spite of the difficulties, I took upon myself the
task of answering Beyerstein's objections. I guess I failed since
my beloved Skeptical Inquirer magazine did not publish my letter
of rebuttal to Beyerstein. Here it is:
The Skeptical Inquirer
It was interesting to read the exchange of views of Barry Beyerstein
and Arthur Janov on primal therapy. I have been doing primal therapy
without a therapist for some 14 years and know that the therapy has
been of benefit to me. I believe that Beyerstein is correct in believing
that primal therapy is suspect by the great majority of those in the
mental health field. This is a fact, but an unfortunate fact, since
I feel that Arthur Janov's discoveries are of such merit that he deserves
a Nobel prize in medicine.
There is a lot more to primal therapy than what meets the eye.
Eventually, Janov will be recognized by his colleagues for his contributions,
but that appears to be far in the future. Dr. Beyerstein was also
correct in stating that Dr. Janov is harsher than he is on others
who make similar claims. There are a number of reasons for this. In
schools of psychological thought, as in religion, heretics are more
opprobrious than are pagans. Janov, as the discoverer of primal therapy,
is interested in restricting the number of his competitors for economic
reasons. He also contends that under some therapists' ministrations,
actual primals do not occur. He feels that many who practice what
he calls mock primal therapy, are unskilled, unsuccessful, do not
have the requisite training and thus give primal therapy a bad name.
Research projects on the results of psychotherapy are notoriously
difficult to design and Arthur Janov is to be commended for attempting
to do so. Perhaps it is impossible to design experiments which prove
any psychotherapy effective. Unless you're a primal therapist you
cannot replicate the research he has done. Even though the research
would show reductions in neurotic symptoms, the argument could be
made that the emotional abreaction alone caused the effect. There
is no amount of evidence which could be presented which would make
some change their mind that primal is bizarre and that its patients
are a bunch of hysterics. The only thing which would change the mind
of its critics would be to experience a primal. When I first read
Janov's writings I dismissed the whole thing as poppy-cock. It was
only when I began having primals spontaneously that I knew that something
real was happening. So it is not surprising that the leading psychotherapists'
handbooks either have nothing good to say about primal therapy or
deride it.
The fact that Janov appropriates legitimate findings in neuroscience,
which tend to collaborate his theory, is understandable. After all,
others do the same. When scientists unearth new data which tends to
reinforce the theory of evolution, biologists use the information
to bolster evolutionary science. That is the way scientific progress
is made. Janov was saying that the newborn was extremely sentient
many years before neonatalists confirmed his statements. The position
of neuroscientists before Janov was that since mylination of nerve
sheaths was incomplete, the function of memory in fetuses and newborns
was not present. Janov did not come up with a theory of the cause
of neurosis out of the blue. The theory of how neurosis is laid down
was gained from his patients. And when they began re-living their
births (and shucking their neurotic symptoms), he still did not accept
their explanations as to what was happening. He assumed that their
conclusions were fantasies. It took a long time before his patients
were able to convince him that they were, in fact, reliving their
Beyerstein feels that Janov's contention of being able to re-live
memories from the womb are extremely doubtful. Actually, Janov's claims
in this matter are very conservative. Dr. Graham Farrant, an Australian
Psychiatrist and primal therapist who was the first psychiatrist of
his country to receive accreditation in both adult and child psychiatry
(from Harvard and McGill medical schools), believes that it is possible
to relive ones sperm life, fertilization, implantation, and early
zygote development! One of Graham's patients was Dr. Carl Wood, the
father of the Australian test tube baby program. Dr. Wood is convinced
of the reality of primal therapy and the fact that these very early
traumas can be relived.
It is not surprising that Janov's definition of pain is different
from pain experts because he is talking about an entirely different
sensation. It is a problem of semantics. There is no way to explain
or discuss what it is like to be in primal pain during a primal with
someone who has not had a primal. Words become inadequate for the
task. Describing sound to a person born deaf is an almost impossible
undertaking and so is explaining the difference between the two kinds
of pains to someone who has not experienced being in the primal state.
In a word, being in primal Pain is a new form of consciousness.
Using vital signs and EEG measurements to determine with certainty
that a primal has occurred is unique to primal therapy since it is
the only form of psychotherapy during which these changes occur. Early
in the development of primal therapy it was found that these measurements
descend to way below baseline after the primal reliving. These measurements
have become a way to distinguish between a primal and an abreaction.
Perhaps these lowered vital signs in themselves prove nothing. They
do show, however, that something significant has really happened to
the person who has had the experience while he lay on the floor reliving
an event which happened, perhaps, fifty years earlier. Unsuccessful
attempts have been made to mimic these vital sign changes by exercise
or abreaction. After a period of time in therapy, these signs remain
lowered permanently.
The rise in endorphin levels around birth keeps the newborn infant
from totally experiencing the trauma, however, the full charge the
suffering is nonetheless registered in the brain. But even if the
newborn baby had not felt the horror of its traumatic birth, it would
not mean that its' total agony was not stored in the brain of the
immature baby. In fact, this is one reason why birth traumas are responsible
for so many psychosomatic symptoms and neurotic behaviors. The pain
of the repressed trauma continues to drive neurotic behavior and cause
emotional stress. The immature brain has sufficient development to
store the trauma until it is subsequently retrieved in primal therapy.
It is probable that occasionally confabulations by primal patients
do occur. However, encouragement by a therapist to concoct primal
feelings is the mark of an incompetent therapist. Most patients who
have experienced a few primals would not tolerate such behavior by
their therapist. In any case, for self primalers, this objection could
not apply.
Emotional catharsis can relieve tensions, as can jogging, a religious
experience, good news or a tranquilizer. However, in these examples,
the symptom relief is only temporary. Primal therapy gives more than
temporary relief and a primal experience is more than an emotional
catharsis. Primal theory holds that during a primal feeling there
is a lowering of defenses, a lifting of repression and a connection
occurs between the emotional content of the infantile or childhood
trauma and consciousness. At this time, some of the source of the
tension is released forever. Over time (with severe and frequent symptoms
it may take many years), as the primal feelings continue, one lives
his life less and less the victim of his nervous tension and psychosomatic
disease and more and more free from the restraints of the effects
of his infantile and early childhood hurts.