Unchained Memories: True Stories of Traumatic Memories, Lost and Found, by Lenore Terr, M.D., Basic Books, A Division of Harper Collins, New York, 1994, $22.00

Reviewed by John A. Speyrer

Dr Terr, a child psychiatrist, is a protagonist in the ongoing false memory syndrome battle. Her position is that repression absolutely exists and cites her proof in these sometimes uneven recountings of seven stories told in the best medical detective story fashion. But she is fair since one of the stories concerns an honest-to-God false memory. As the stories are told, the author intersperses appropriate psychological theory concerning repression, denial, fugue states, and kindred subjects. While interesting, these discussions detracted me from the ongoing story. One story, entitled, "The Silver at the Surface of the Water," is particularly good and worth the price of the book.